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I'm on the U.S. "Kill List," Pakistani elder claims

(CNN)Malik Jalal is convinced that America is trying to kill him.

He's a Pakistani tribal elder from Waziristan, a dangerous one-time Taliban stronghold on the border with Afghanistan.

The region has borne the brunt of the United States' drone campaign in Pakistan.

And six years ago, Jalal began to suspect that he was on the Americans' alleged "kill list."

"Since 2010, I realized that there had been four attacks that had occurred very close to me," he told CNN.

One strike hit so close that it broke the windows of his car.

"In another attack, my car was completely destroyed. So I became aware that I was under the drone attacks and America will kill me," he said. "I have seen dead bodies, bodies of young children, bodies that were in small pieces and since that time all this had had a very bad impact on my life."

Fled in fear

The United States almost never officially confirms that it has struck targets in Pakistan using drones, and the names on its alleged kill list are secret.

Jalal says his fear was confirmed by security sources with the CIA in Afghanistan, although he concedes that he has not seen the list of targets himself.

Even Jalal's children have learned to fear drones, he says

He says that friends and family have been killed in strikes that he believes were targeting him.

At one point, he became so fearful that he resorted to sleeping outside, away from his children, in case of another strike.

But it was the effect on his family that finally forced him to flee Waziristan and move to the city of Peshawar.

"Next to our house outside there are big trees and I went under the trees after seeing five drones in the sky and when I looked back I saw my younger son Halal," Jalal recalled.

He told his son to go home, asking why he was there with his father at night.

"He told me, 'Baba, I have seen with my own eyes that they have targeted young children, hence the reason I have come with you," the father said.

Source : http://edition.cnn.com/2016/04/22/asia/us-pakistan-drone-kill-list/index.html

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